Plone is an open source content management system that runs on the Zope web server. I've been using plone for over half a year now. I administer our internal account portal. I rate it the coolest CMS in the world. It has a fantastic UI, excellent workflow, robust performance and it is the easiest thing to administer.
I always wanted to host a plone site on the web. Thanks to, I've one now. Here it is - It is Plone 2.5 and comes with the following products pre-installed.
Products available for Install
# ATPhoto 1.0-alpha1 build 53
# CMFNotification 0.9.9
# CalendarX 0.6.6(stable) 2006-01-03
# FlickrAlbum 0.1
# InkStain 1.0rc1
# LinguaPlone 0.9.0 - $Revision: 10093 $
# Marshall 0.6.6-final
# PloneErrorReporting 1.0
# PloneGossip 1.0-unreleased
# PloneLanguageTool 1.3
# RichDocument 2.0rc1
# StagingAddOn 1.5
# TextIndexNG3 3.1.13
# ZWiki ZWiki-0-58-0
* Archetypes 1.4.1-final
* CMFPlacefulWorkflow 1.0.2
* MimetypesRegistry 1.4.1-final
* PasswordResetTool 0.4.1
* PortalTransforms 1.4.1-final
* kupu kupu 1.3.8
The missing one is FCKEditor. Anyway, thanks to for this hosting.